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Gone are the days when people would type out the entire URL of a website to access it. Today, almost all web surfing activities start from search engines. Therefore, if a website has to increase its traffic, it has to do well in the SERPs generated by the search engine, and it is only possible by optimizing a webpage for it. This is what SEO practices are all about.

White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO

However, it is important to mention here that not all optimization practices are ethical and permissible. Google regularly updates its guideline for webmasters to make sure they refrain from using unethical optimization techniques that are often known as “black hat SEO.” From building links through paying others or spamming comment sections to spinning content and stuffing keywords, many black hat SEO tactics might boost a website’s ranking for the time being. However, rankings attained through black hat SEO are not long-lasting.

In contrast, you also have white SEO techniques. These techniques essentially make a level-playing field for all websites to compete for a spot on SERPS. White hat SEO doesn’t give any unfair and unmerited advantage to one page over the other. Also, white hat SEO measures primarily focus on actions that change and improve a website for the human audience rather than tricking the search engine algorithms.

If you don’t want your website to get de-indexed, demoted, and penalized by Google, always use white hat SEO. Besides saving you from the search engine’s stern actions, white hat SEO can significantly improve the traffic on your website.

In this blog, we will discuss some white hat SEO measures that can boost your web traffic manifold, given that you execute them in the right manner.

5 White Hat SEO Tips for Improved Web Traffic

These are some white hat SEO measures that you can use to improve your web traffic in the most bonafide manner.

1. Develop Good UI/UX

Every website claims to provide the best user interface and experience. But ask yourself, does your website truly sports an interactive UI and delivers immersive UX? To dispassionately analyze your website’s user interface and experience, you have to see and use it as a visitor. You can also ask a group of people to visit your site and give feedback on its UI/UX. You need to find the answer to these questions.

  • Does your website feature bright and over the top color schematics?
  • How readable is the content on the page?
  • Does images and video on the website help in understanding the brand/product/service?
  • How easy or difficult is it to navigate the website and reach out to all its content silos?
  • Is your website mobile responsive, and if so, how agile is it on portable devices?

If you address all the issues raised in the answers to these questions, you can significantly perk up your website’s UI. A good UI translates into good UX, and that ultimately helps you in improving your web traffic.

2. Carry Out Proper Keyword Research and Don’t Abuse them

Using (abusing) a targeted keyword 20 times in a single paragraph is not going to help your SEO ranking at all. Today, SEO experts think that any content block of 100 words should not feature a targeted keyword more than two times. In some cases, even a keyword density of less than 1% is considered better because it helps retain the content’s value and context.

In short, you need to use targeted keywords pretty carefully. Therefore, carry out a detailed research and pick only one or two keywords most relevant to your business instead of furnishing an entire list. Then, use these keywords in phrasal constructions in your content where they fit the context as well. This way, you can maintain the quality of your content for visitors.

Don’t need to worry about how Google will pick up your content for the given keywords. If it is relevant to those keywords, Google will rank it higher even if you don’t use the exact keyword multiple times.

3. Create Legitimate Link Juice

Just as referrals bring more potential customers to a business, backlinks bring more visitors to a website. However, you need to create those backlinks without paying anyone or stuffing them in comment sections across various platforms. For legitimate link juice, you need to develop valuable content that any other website can willingly link on its pages to provide its visitors a better experience. Also, having a good working relationship with your peers helps you with your website’s genuine link building.

4. Continuous Content Creation and Curation

Legitimate practices are often not about taking shortcuts, and white hat SEO is no different. If you want to keep up with good SEO practices, you need to be diligent with content creation and curation. A stagnant webpage with no or little updates eventually loses its traffic. With regular content updates, you can establish a dynamic value addition system for your website that ensures its number of visitors only goes up.

5. Streamline Your HTML Tags

This last white hat SEO measure we will discuss here is more about search engine algorithms and less about visitors. Search engine algorithms “read” a webpage through its HTML tags or microdata. Schema, a google recognized entity, guides you on improving the quality of the existing HTML tags on your website in line with the category and niche you operate in. Reports suggest that over 30% of google search results feature data snippets supported by Schema guidelines.

If you don’t know how to incorporate Schema instruction in your HTML tags, you can hire an SEO and web expert.

The above discussion has made a case for focusing on your website’s content and user interface to optimize it legitimately for more clicks. Business Marketing Solution Group can help you in implementing this white hat SEO technique. Its experts can also help your enterprise devise and implement its customized social media strategy.

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